the magic of childhood

Welcome to the wonderful world of the Fabulous Goose, a world where the everyday is enhanced by special touches that make living a pleasure.

Magical moments, memories to treasure, items to cherish.

At Fabulous Goose we create beautiful, high quality products that help parents create magical memories for the special children in their lives.

Blankets transform into capes for superheroes, tents for budding explorers and the comfiest picnic blankets teddy bears ever graced.

Cushions tell stories of weird and wonderful creatures and fire up children’s imaginations.

Hookie hangers bring a sense of sweet fun and nostalgia to the wardrobe of the most discerning toddler and make getting dressed in the morning a pleasure.

Craft kits combine a love of style and taste with the simple tactile pleasures of creating something with your hands.

the ultimate comfort blanket

Creator of secret dens (no girls allowed), keeper of secrets, the ultimate playmat for baby.

Fabulous Goose blankets are the softest, most comforting blanket a child could ever wish to own.

Perfect for snuggling down on the sofa, watching a movie or reading a book.

So soft, your little ones will treasure into adulthood.

enchanting adventures

The Fabulous Goose range of cushions add charm, energy and sass to any child’s bedroom.

Bugs and beasties are a constant source of curiosity to children and ideal for small ones looking to break the rules

- who says girl’s bedrooms must be all about pink fairies and boys all diggers and trucks?

Fabulous Goose cushions are designed to ignite a spark of imagination.

Colourful, characterful creatures that invite storytelling and imaginary play.