Reading was my escape and my comfort…

FabGoose fairytale forest blanket saphir

“Reading was my escape and my comfort, my consolation, my stimulant of choice: reading for the pure pleasure of it, for the beautiful stillness that surrounds you when you hear an author’s words reverberating in your head.”

Paul Auster

Believe it or not, reading is good for health.

Have a blanket so you can curl up or spread out on the floor.

You can buy this beautiful Fairytale Forest blanket here

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You’ll know it’s there


“When you’re a carpenter making a beautiful chest of drawers, you’re not going to use a piece of plywood on the back, even though it faces the wall and nobody will ever see it. You’ll know it’s there, so you’re going to use a beautiful piece of wood on the back.”

Steve Jobs

..and that’s exactly how we feel about making our GOTS certified blankets.

Attitude goes a long way.