Work / Life balance in your Home Office space – Monochrome Scandinavian style Home office

A simple way to instantly improve your working space at home.



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Wouldn’t it be nice if your home office could at the same time be a well-organized working space and a cozy corner where you can get recharged and inspired?

In our days, we all have a working space at home. Usually there is a desk and some storage space for all the docs that we need to keep, bills to pay.

After many working hours at the office, you still might need to bring the unfinished work home.

I have noticed that if after many hours at the desk in from of the computer, I changing the place and go over to my Control Glove reclining chair from Eilersen, I get extra energy to answer that last mail, watch the online course or read a blog post.


So we thought about adding a soft, cozy chair in our Home Office Inspirational Board. 

  • Chill out with a blanket
  • Relax and recharge with a cup of coffee
  • Have your own space to work, read, sketch or browse

We thought that in this room one could both work and relax – finish a project during the weekend, then cozy daydream or read a favorite magazine.

This Home office in graphical, monochrome style is versatile – the Scandinavian Style. The selected products work well together.

Our Predator blanket with owls and mousses add a youthful playfulness and personality to this minimalist styling. 


We have put together a list with the featured products and the links where you can shop them. Get the list here.

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For more inspiration on a cozy space take a look at this inspirational board: Perfect Sunday afternoon – We’ve dreamed up a classy, contemporary environment for your Sunday relaxation

You can buy these soft Predator blankets in black or grey by simply clicking on the product images: 

adj-0299-s adj-0304-s

If you would like to have more inspiration delivered directly to you mail box, subscribe below.

You are also more than welcome to share and give us a like – use the social media icons ↓

 This mood board is developed for us by Valentina Carla Caiazzo from the blog a Misura di bimbo

Nordic winter moods – 3D Christmas decorations kits

A collection of beautiful 3D DIY Christmas kits



It is almost the time. We’re so excited to introduce a brand new collaboration with Theresa Jessing from Sort Lakrids.


We have dreamed a quite Christmas

I am not a crafty person, but I find contentment in making something myself.
I do not have time, I am impatient and I want a result with a certain level of design and aesthetics (guaranteed).

So I was that ideal customer for our new kits.



Sets of 3D self-assembly paper decorations – naturally made in FSC paper, to fit with our sustainable FabGoose univers. Just in time for Christmas and holiday crafting time, you can choose between fir trees and pine cones in several sizes/colours.


We hope you will love these just as much as we do! For sale in the shop now




If you´re not in Christmas spirit yet – this is the perfect start-up.

Stylist Camilla Tange Peylecke, Photographer Gyrithe Lemche.


A glimpse into the Scandinavian Life: Morten’s Aften – a Danish (lost?) Tradition and how the goose became a duck



Morten’s Aften (Saint Martin’s Eve; the Danish equivalent of Thanksgiving).

I must admit that we’ve started to celebrate Morten’s aften in our family only after we moved to Sweden and only because the gees and the ducks from a local farmer (Kärra Gårdsslakteri & Rökeri in Ängelholm, Sweden) are beyond words tasty.

Before that, cooking a duck for Christmas was a messy thing I had to do once a year. Yes, it’s tasted good but not that good to do it voluntary again during the year. And we have tasted pretty much everything of what we could get of best quality in Danish supermarkets.

But now we simply HAVE to celebrate Morten’s Eve! So I guess that Maria from Maria’s Daisies blog is right on spot when she says that “Danes love a party and will always, always, always find a good reason or excuse to feast”. 

The Danish tradition… and why the goose became a duck 

I have found this short description of the tradition:

St. Martin’s Eve (Mortensaften) on 10 November is associated with the missionary and later bishop, Martin of Tours. In Denmark, traditionally goose is eaten for dinner – or, if you’re looking for a more affordable alternative, you can serve duck.

Accounting to legend, St. Martin hid in a goose shed to avoid being consecrated as the bishop. But the geese gave him away with their cackling. Getting back at them, albeit slowly, St. Martin declared that every 10th of November, geese should be served as the main meal.

If you want to read more about this tradition with a good flavor af a Danish humor, hit over to Maria’s post: Duck-Duck-Goose: Morten’s Eve

I particularly like Maria’s take on why  the duck came into the picture:

As for the duck instead of the goose; some say the Danish ovens are too small, some say the Danish families have shrunk, some say the Danish economy has shrunk; personally I think the Danes just find duck tastier and love the practice for the next big feast: Christmas, where many also will eat duck.”

Perfect for my Morten’s Aften cooking and my family well-being:

And since we are talking about local and quality food, I want to share these 2 products with you from a Danish company SCANPAN – Environmentally friendly cookware.

I really do appreciate when the quality, local production and sustainability go hand in hand. When the company makes an effort and do care. Therefore I want to give a shout out to this company that shares the same values as we do at FabGoose.



Scanpan 1  Scanpan 2

Produced in Denmark out of Recycling aluminium and are free from both PFOA and PFOS. This prevents the transfer of harmful chemicals in your cooking. Learn more about the quality here.

I wish that it should always be easy to make good and rewarding choices as a consumer. Without constantly being alert about any dangerous substances in the products that we buy.

We have decided to celebrate Morten’s Aften in our web-shop. Sign up to our mailing list below to get notified when we will the run the event. 

DIY mobile with Hookie hangers

A creative idea from our last photo shoot – Hookie hanger was transformed into sweet mobile in few minutes.


Hookie hanger by FabGoose as a DIY mobile 


You will need:

  • Hookie hanger
  • The string
  • Colorful paper
  • Glooming / sticking stripes
  • 5 – 10 minutes of your time
  • Older sibling’s help (optional)

DIY mobil with hookie hangers 1

Step 1:

Make harts, drops, clouds, flowers or anything you like out of paper. You will need 2 of the same parts to gloom it together on the string

DIY mobil with hookie hangers 1 (2)


Step 2:

Bind the string to the Hookie hanger

DIY mobil with hookie hangers 4


Step 3:

Use the glooming stripe tape to put together your paper decoration on the string

Hookie hanger junior grey

Keep going until you think that it’s enough
