How by organizing clothes on the hangers you can help your child get ready for the school start

How by organizing clothes on the hangers you can help your child get ready for the school start


Do you have a child who starts at school after this summer vacation?

It is a very big change for your child to start at school.

It is expected, among other things, that the child himself should be able to handle small practical tasks - such as putting on and off the clothes.

Make the dressing easy for your child:

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Children’s literature inspired ideas for nursery and kid’s room decor

kid's room decor ideas inspired by children's books

Kid's room decor ideas inspired by children's books

From the moment we’re born, stories are the tools we use to connect people, places, and ideas to our own personal experience. Sharing stories with our children have many benefits, such as teaches virtue, teach culture, improves memory, and helps to learn later in life.

Children’s literature is a treasure trove of creative ideas that you can use as a starting point for fun, whimsical, and inspired room decor.


In this blog post:

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Inspire creativity – Kids colouring

In this blog post:

  • Discover the key to your child’s success 
  • The importance of creativity and how it affects a child’s growing brain
  • FREE coloring pages to print

This post is part 1 of a 3 part series that will explore the importance of fostering creativity in children. Today, we’ll look at why creativity is important. Next week, we’ll suggest ways to open up time and room for creativity in your life.

This simple children’s activity actually promotes well-being

Celebrating the international Inspire Your Hart with Art Day

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”  

– Pablo Picasso


We all want the best for our children. Happiness, confidence, and success in their chosen field.

Creativity is the precursor to all of these things. It’s one of the most important seeds to plant while they’re still young, and it’s part of a memorable and fulfilling childhood.


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